Midsummer 2023, the fifth book has been written.

The disciples have risen and, under partly desert-like conditions, have written their stories, framed in a total of 1,060 km of finest gravel, without rankings, timing, or closing times.

Thanks to all of you, we were able to donate a total of 7,150 EUR this time, 3,500 EUR each to Caritas and UN-Women, and 150 EUR to Spotwalla. The donation total for Holy Gravel now stands at 23,742.02 EUR.

Your exceptional participation in social engagement and the wonderful impressions we were able to see from your adventures are true beacons of light.

We say thank you and bow humbly.

The apostles are also dusting off their clothes for now, and as a farewell, we say goodbye with some Auferstehung pictures.

Hol di stief!
Rüm hart – klaar kiming!